Posted on 27th September 2021
One of my favorite things about show business, besides all the free drink tickets and the sex, is the opportunity to collaborate with artists whose work I absolutely love, which is why I was thrilled to wing it on down to Atlanta recently to play a few songs with my dear friend Puddles Pity Party. Here’s a clip of us doing “Pursuit of Happiness” by fellow Cleveland native Kid Cudi. I probably shouldn’t be admitting this, but, while I was already familiar with Kid Cudi, I had never heard his version of the song before we recorded this. I have since listened and can confirm that it is awesome. Also, some folks have asked me about what gear I used for this song. My guitar is my awesome, frost blueDunable Asteroid. And I used my EartherQuaker Devices Dispatch Master pedal to get the cool reverb and delay sound. I don’t remember what amp I used but it was old, cool, and loud. Enjoy and tell the others!
Dave Hill