Posted on 29th July 2013
Hi. How are you? I’m really great. Thanks so much for asking. Anyway, as part of my assault on North America in celebration of the release of both the paperback version of my book Tasteful Nudes and my hot rock band Valley Lodge’s third album Use Your Weapons (both to be released this September 3), I am going to be doing some more house tour dates. If you would like me to come to your house and talk, read, play music, spend weirdly long amounts of time in the bathroom, rifle through your things, and hopefully get really, really hammered with you, send an email to handlers@davehillonline.com for more info. I did a bunch of house tour dates last year, had a lovely time, and managed to settle most things out of court afterward. Also, it’s FREE. Let’s do it again this fall! Okay, hope to hear from you soon.
Dave Hill