Posted on 29th May 2012
Hi. It’s Dave, from before. As I may have mentioned, my book, Tasteful Nudes, is finally and totally out and available wherever incredible books are sold. I know, I am pretty excited about it, too. What’s also nice (or annoying depending on how you look at it. I am hoping you think it’s nice! What is your problem?!) is that I’ve gotten all sorts of nice reviews, writeups, and/or lovely mentions about my book in magazines, newspapers, and on the Internet and stuff. On the “print” front, Vanity Fair, Nylon Magazine, US Weekly (pictured above), New York Daily News, the New York Times, and a bunch of other sweet folks have been super nice to me about my book. And on the Internet, the Today Show blog, Thrillist, Rookie Magazine, Vice, Huffington Post, Comedy Rants, Rushfield Babylon, the Hairpin, Impose Magazine, Brooklyn Based, Splitsider, What We Like NYC, Time Out New York, the Laugh Button, Words Music Baseball, XO Jane, the Spittake, Metro, Laughspin, and then some others ones besides all those I just mentioned have all been super sweet about me and my book. Nice, right? More to come soon!