This, That
Posted on 23rd April 2012

Mondays, am I right?  It’s cold, damp, and gray in New York City today and- for the most part- so am I.  I am coming down from an action-packed weekend of mostly just sitting there putting things (food, I mean.  Get your mind out of the damn gutter!) into my mouth while doing my best to avoid assorted existential crises and get some important, important errands done while I was at it.  Now it’s Monday and I am showing up for life again, which so far has consisted of mostly just sitting here some more and putting stuff into my mouth again (food, still), albeit healthier choices, you know, since it’s Monday (on the weekend, I live without rules.  Ask anyone).

In addition to the jaw-dropping details above, I also spent part of this past weekend reading “Drinking at the Movies,” an excellent graphic memoir by Julia Wertz, who was kind enough to totally send me a copy in the mail to my house where I live.  The book is about Julia’s first year in New York City after moving here from San Francisco and it is packed with great drawing and writing on every page.  Julia also sent me her book “The Fart Party,” which I haven’t read yet but am excited to, you know, because it’s called “The Fart Party,” at title that pretty much fires on all cylinders.

In other news, in exactly four weeks and one day, my book that I won’t shut up about will be unleashed on the masses.  As you can probably imagine, I am on the verge of a seizure in anticipation of this profound literary event.  I got a great review on Booklist, the reputable resource of incredible book reviews, which is both calming me down a bit about things and also adding to my seizure potential.  And, oh, what the heck, as long as I’m talking about it, here is the review right here:

“Comedian Hill trades in mock braggadocio, following each punch with a tickle. To wit, “Scar or not, I realize at this point in my book there’s probably no question in your mind as to whether or not I’m one of the biggest badasses that ever walked the face of the planet. (Author’s note: I am.).” Over the course of these 17 short autobiographical essays, the rhythm grows familiar enough that it could become cloying, but it doesn’t because Hill is just so funny, observant, and likable. Whether he’s riffing on adolescent affairs of the heart (“Loving You Is Easy Because You Live Pretty Close to My Parents’ House”), the thrill of playing Santa Claus (“Northeastern Ohio Velvet”), or his brush with rock ’n’ roll stardom (“Big in Japan”), Hill has a knack for hitting the high points, eliciting some laughs, and then offering a poignant twist that reminds the reader there’s no two-drink minimum. Essays about depression (“A Funny Feeling”) and his mother’s death (“Bunny”) treat their subjects humorously without being glib. Well worth a read.” —Keir Graff, Booklist

Wasn’t that nice?  Yeah, I was pretty pumped about it too.  And I swear I didn’t devise this entire blog post just so I could copy and paste that.  I mean, sort of, but not really.  I also wrote it so I could casually mention that you can read the first chapter of my book right here.  I apologize for the lack of apostrophes.  Not sure what that’s about, but someone somewhere is going to get a stern talking to about it very soon.  That much I can tell you!

Okay, that about covers it for now.  Time to put on some pants and tear the world a new one I guess.

Still crunk,
Dave Hill

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