Posted on 27th March 2012
Here’s something nice. I was just sitting here in my apartment, minding my own business mostly, when there was a weird buzzing sound that turned out to be my buzzer, which in turn signified that some guy was trying to deliver a package of some sort to me. I wasn’t expecting a package, so naturally my first inclination was to pepper spray him, which engraged him. It all worked out though, because after the burning went away, he delivered a mysterious package to me which turned out to contain the jacket for my book, which you can totally see in the photo above (that’s my hand holding it). I am really excited about how it turned out. It’s colorful and maybe even a little bit classy. Soon, there will be actual copies of the book. And then on May 22, people can actually buy and read the book (or they can pre-order before then, which is fine too). I guess what I really wanted to say is “Look at my cool book cover. I’m excited about it. Yeah!” Okay, that about covers it for now.
Still street,
Dave Hill