Posted on 28th June 2011
Every so often here on my blogs, I like to recommend things I’ve been enjoying lately to other people, like you, the reader, for example. Today is one of those days.
The first thing I wanted to mention is the new Bob Mould book “SEE A LITTLE LIGHT: The Trail of Rage and Melody.” As a longtime fan of Bob’s music (Husker Du, Sugar, solo albums, other stuff), I had been looking forward to reading this book ever since I heard he was writing it. And it totally delivered, covering topics including but not limited to punk rock, professional wrestling, and military porn. In short, it pretty much has everything. Here is a nice writeup in New York Magazine and above is a cool interview he did recently with the Wall Street Journal music dude. Buy Bob’s book. If you don’t like it, you can kick me in the nuts. Go buy all his records too if you don’t have them already. What is your problem?
Another thing I have been totally into lately is Ghost, a great band from Sweden that sounds like Mercyful Fate, Blue Oyster Cult, and themselves. They mention Satan a lot in their lyrics, a good rock move if you can squeeze it in. Also, the singer dresses up as a Satanic pope of sorts, which is always a nice touch. I’m really bummed I didn’t think of that. So much for being an ideas man. Anyway, above is a video of “Ghost” playing their song “Ritual” from their debut “Opus Eponymous.” I like these guys so much I am thinking of buying a T-shirt.