Posted on 23rd January 2011
Attention People of Europe, the popular continent: Today I board a plane headed toward your shores. I will most likely be drunk on this plane and ask for as many complimentary snacks as possible. Anyway, the plane is going to land in Cologne, the popular German town. Once I get there, I am probably going to need a nap and maybe a shower (but let’s face it, probably not. I mean, I’ll probably need it, but it’s just a time issue. Also, I am a skank). And then more snacks. Then, starting Monday night, I will begin a full-on assault on your fair continent, playing rock shows as the guitar player for the Walter Schreifels Band at shows in Germany (mentioned earlier), Belgium, England, Scotland, and Wales, and then bringing comedy heat in the form of shows in London, a town with some really great outfits and several points of interest. You can find out exactly what is happening when and where by checking the Public Appearances section of my incredible website. If you live in or near any of the cities in which I am bringing the heat, please come by and say hello and maybe we can make out (This will be sorted out on a case-by-case basis). Also, bring baked goods and smoked meats. Okay, that’s about it for now. More as this story develops.
Yours in show business,
Dave Hill