Posted on 5th April 2010
Today I write to you from scenic LAX airport, where I am waiting to head back to New York City, the town in which I do my laundry. I will give you a full report on my Los Angeles invasion soon, but in the meantime you should listen to the most recent episode of WTF Pod, which features me being interviewed by the excellent Marc Maron. Marc’s podcast is one of the greatest podcasts of all-time and I believe this to be the best episode yet, you know, because I am on it and I am trying to believe in myself more these days. Marc and I talk about all sorts of things, including but not limited to Japan, handjobs, and prison. In short, it pretty much has everything. You can download the entire episode for free on iTunes or listen to it right here. And you should.
As if all of that is not enough, I am also the featured interviewee on another excellent podcast, Jesse Jordan Go, brought to you by the Sound of Young America’s Jesse Thorn and also Mr. Jordan Morris. We talk about the Lebowski Fest and heavy metal among other topics. I also face off in a match of wits with my nemesis! You can download the entire episode from iTunes or grab it right here. Between that and WTF Pod, you can hear me ramble for almost two hours straight. I hope you’re happy.