Posted on 28th April 2010
Attention People of New York City:
Hi. You seem nice. Anyway, remember how I was talking about how I have my incredible “Big in Japan” show at the popular and reputable Upright Citizens Brigade over there in Chelsea. Yeah, well it’s happening TOMORROW night, or Thursday, April 29 at 9:30pm if you want to get all technical about it. I can’t go into too much detail about it right now because I am conducting a teambuilding seminar for the entire staff of the Paramus, New Jersey Blockbuster Video store in the back of the Subway (the popular sandwich store) next door in exactly fifteen minutes and my slides are completely out of order and I can’t find the helmets anywhere and there is blood, blood everywhere. Anyway, I really hope you can make it (to the show, not the seminar, though you are free to attend if you are in the area and willing to sign a waiver). I am so confident you will have a lovely time at my show that if you are not completely satisfied with your entertainment experience, I will come to your house at the next major holiday of your choosing and give you and your loved ones a real night to remember (HINT: intercourse). You can get tickets right here
Also, the Sanrio-style drawing of me above is by Claire Sullivan. I am pretty excited about it. He really nailed the hair. And speaking of incredible hair, here is an anime-style drawing of me by Brendan Jordan that’s also really great.
Dave Hill