Posted on 18th March 2010
Hi. Do you live in the Philadelphia area and also like good times all the time? Well, if so, you should totally come to the Used Wigs Live ’10 show tomorrow night, which is to say Friday, March 19 at 8pm, for a super night of entertainment that includes the incredible Used Wigs guys, the musical ensemble Audible, Philly news attractive person Nicole Brewer, and a cavalcade of other curiosities, including me, Dave Hill, performing for up to but no longer than 30 minutes straight, which will be really great for everybody. This is all going to happen at World Cafe Live, which is a place in Philadelphia. Anyway, I really hope you can make it as it is going to be pretty much the best thing to happen to Philadelphia since hockey great Bobby Clarke and also that cool bell. See you there, dammit.
Dave Hill