Posted on 28th February 2010
It is with great pride that I, Dave Hill, the world’s preeminent Dave Hill, announce the creation of something I have cooked up in my spare time, something I like to call (and you should too) International Holy F@#king Sh*t Day, which will take place this Friday, March 5, 2010 and will be celebrated worldwide at exactly 11:00am Eastern Standard Time in the United States (find your time here).
I realize it is at this point that you are assuming that Internation Holy F@#king Sh*t Day is a day of some sort of global panic, a shared experience of extreme terror or something. However, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, Internation Holy F@#king Shit Day is quite simple and- if everything goes as planned- will be an incredibly positive, if profane, experience for all who take part in it and extremely confusing for all who don’t, the best case scenario for most things in life if you ask me.
So here’s the deal- on Friday, March 5, 2010 at exactly 11:00am Eastern Standard Time in the United States (that’s 8:00am on the West Coast; 4pm in London; 5pm in Oslo, Norway; 3am, March 6, in Tokyo- sorry for keeping you up so late!- etc. You can find the exact time in your area here), stop what you’re doing and scream, yell, mumble, or whisper “Holy F@#king Shit!.” If someone near you does the same thing, you must look at each other and either wink, give each other a military salute, kiss on both cheeks (like the people of France), and/or- if it feels right- pat each others’ butts (like the people of France). And if someone around you says “What?” or something to the effect of inquiring as to why you just said “Holy F@#king Shit!”, you must respond by saying “Oh, nothing…”, “What?”, or even “Huh?” and then just get back to whatever you were doing. It’s that simple.
Join me- won’t you?- in celebrating the power of both worldwide solidarity and global profanity. Do your part by celebrating International Holy F@#king Sh*t Day when the day and time comes and also by spreading the word on this historic event far and wide via Twitter, e-mail, Facebook, smoke signals, blowhorn, blowtorch, or whatever means you see fit to spread the word like a motherf@#ker. Okay, thank you. Now get out there and make a difference! You can do it! Oh, and join the IHFSD Facebook group here!
Holy F@#king Sh*t,
Dave Hill