Posted on 26th December 2009
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The Joe Randazzo Association Is Back!
Posted on 26th December 2009
Hello. Here is a new, important, and also hilarious video from Joe Randazzo, CEO of the the Joe Randazzo Assocation, Onion editor, and close personal friend of me, Dave Hill, a great American. The Joe Randazzo Association is back like a motherf@#ker and that’s what this video is about. I’m not entirely sure what TJRA does, but I realize it’s something I want and need in my life. A lot.
In other news, I just at some Cinnamon Life cereal for the first time since the ’80s. Not sure who the dude in the wig is on the box, but I gotta say this stuff is seriously underrated. These kids today with their Wii, their boy bands, and their crystal meth- don’t know what they’re missing. Have some damn cereal!