Posted on 17th August 2009
If there’s one thing I have seriously been getting into lately it’s parkour, which is a discipline focused on moving from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using the abilities of the human body, something I am awesome at. This weekend I decided to go out and make my first ever parkour video in which I show what at this point I would like to describe as my “mad parkour skills.” It was really fun and also kind of difficult at times but in the end I pretty much nailed it. There were times when I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to successfully climb this thing or that thing, but I have to say the hardest thing about it was changing outfits so many times. It was time-consuming and stuff to do that, but I really felt like it was necessary to the flow of the piece. And it was totally worth it in the end because- as you can clearly see from this video- parkour is just one more thing that I am pretty f@#king sweet at. My only regret is adding really crappy music to the video footage. I’m not sure why I did that. I guess I was just tired from all the hardcore parkouring I had been up to all weekend. That’s the thing about parkour- it will really take it out of you sometimes, especially that one trick where I fall backward off the roof and then land on my feet. When I did that, a lot of people were all like “No, Dave, don’t do it!” But then I was all like “No, I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna do it!” And then I totally did it. It was super fun. And then when I was all done, I took all my friends out for one of those six-foot subs that you can get at the really reputable sandwich shops. I did this because I am generous and also because I live my life to the extreme in pretty much every situation, especially sandwich-based ones. File under: business as usual as far as Dave Hill is concerned. Okay, I have to go take an extreme shower now. I got like six loofahs.