Anvil: The Story of Anvil
Posted on 13th April 2009

Last night, I saw the documentary “Anvil: The Story of Anvil,” which- as hinted at in the title- is the story of Anvil, the Canadian metal band who aren’t messing around. The movie was as good as I had hoped- beautiful, inspiring, rocking, and funny all at once, which is pretty much all one can ask for in a movie (or life in general for that matter). Some people might enjoy this movie on an ironic level, like those people who embrace metal in the trendy, pop culture kind of way, throwing devil horns and wearing Iron Maiden T-shirts when they couldn’t name a single Maiden song. The movie (and metal in general, of course) is much more than that though. Plus, lead singer and guitar player Lips plays a Flying V, which is pretty much the only way to go when you have a song called “Metal on Metal.” Go see this movie. Here is the trailer:

Dave Hill

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