F@#king Up the Moth Community: Dave 1, Moths 0
Posted on 25th February 2009

Today I scored what appears to be a huge victory against the moths that I have been sharing my apartment with for at least the past year or so. The moths in question are clothing moths, the kind that eat all your wool clothes, rugs, and whatever taxidermy you have lying around depending on their mood. They are total dicks. They’ve ruined a few of my sweaters and one particularly stylish pair of pants and probably some other things I haven’t even discovered yet. I thought they were gone for good a couple months ago, but recently they started making appearances again (usually at night- party time for moths).

I wouldn’t really mind the moths if they didn’t ruin my clothes and stuff. Bugs in general don’t bother me much (with the exception of cockroaches I suppose) and the moths flying around actually give my apartment a kind of cool “Silence of the Lambs” vibe. But once you take the clothes-ruining into account, it’s really just a bad scene all around- you gotta kill those fuckers, even if you’re a Buddhist (not that I am, though I do love the outfits)

This morning I woke up with renewed determination to somehow defeat the months once and for all. I remembered I had pushed an oriental rug under my bed when I first moved in and for whatever reasons never thought to check if maybe that’s where the moths were setting up shop. I finally decided to investigate the situation this morning and was horrified by what I found- a rotting pile of rug infested with moth larvae all squirming around with looks on their faces that seemed to say “When I’m all growed up, I’m gonna eat Dave’s favorite outfits!” Those fuckers. I yanked rug the carcass out from under the bed, threw it in a garbage bag, and ran outside to the trash bin screaming like a little girl. I’m surprised NY1 didn’t come by.

When I got back upstairs, I vaccumed the fuck out of my apartment and sprayed some nasty moth-killing cedar-scented spray everywhere. I’m probably mutating into a character from the hit movie “C.H.U.D.” with all the fumes I’ve inhaled, but if it means not having these moths around anymore I say bring it on.

Anyway, I’ll keep you posted on whether or not today’s battle spells the end, but I really feel like I’ve pretty much destroyed the Millenium Falcon. If these moths have any more fight left in them I’ll be impressed. Stay tuned.
In other, non-moth-related news, here is Morrissey’s new video for “That’s How People Grow Up” from his great new album “Years of Refusal” (it’s embeddable for some reason. And speaking of Morrissey, anybody have any extra tickets for any of his New York shows? I need one or two. Pretty please!

And finally, my friend and fellow Valley Lodge member John Kimbrough co-wrote the opening musical number at this past Sunday’s Oscars. Watch it above. Great work, John!

Dave Hill

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