Posted on 15th October 2008
As rumored on the Internet, this November I will be invading the United Kingdom for the first time in the form of me totally hanging out in London for a week and doing some shows around town. My first show is November 1 at the 100 Club and it should be electric. You can get details here. If you live anywhere in Europe, you should totally come or I will cut myself.
I am doing a bunch of other shows in London, all of which are listed on my futuristic MySpace page. My last show of my week-long (or so) invasion of the UK is November 9 and is a dual show with boy geniuses Bishop and Douch, who are so British a lot of times I have no idea what they are saying. And it should be noted that my British invasion would not have been possible without them as they have totally held my hand through the whole process so far (not in a gay way. Geez! Why are you jumping to conclusions here?). Our show together at the Hen and Chickens Theatre on November 9 is already sold out like a motherfucker, like, for real. To get a taste of the Bishop and Douch magic, watch the following videos (really one video split up into four parts), some of which feature my lovely and talented friends John Mulaney, Kristen Schaal, and Kurt Braunhohler. Watch the fuck out of them right now:
Dave Hill