Posted on 27th August 2007
It is Monday and I am now on Day 3 of experiencing plague-like symptoms. I am coughing and sneezing a lot and generally assuming that I should make sure my suits are clean so my family has something nice to bury me in next week or so. Then again, maybe it’s just a cold. I don’t know- it’s tough to say really. If I don’t write here tomorrow, please assume I am totally dead.
In other news, I just got back from the crappy Gristede’s (i.e. no Lucky Charms- ever!) in my neighborhood where I bought some bread, carrots, milk, and some bullshit cereal that is not nearly as good as Lucky Charms but whatever. I also bought some chocolate from the Chocolate Bar store near my house. It’s expensive but sometimes you just gotta say “F it” and get yourself some nice chocolate for the eating, especially if you might be dead soon like me. I got the dark chocolate with little bits of espresso beans in it so I don’t fall asleep and forget to finish the rest of the chocolate all in one sitting. That’s just how I do it.
In still other news, last night I was talking about music with my favorite nanny to the stars and I remembered the song “Lonely Boy” by Andrew Gold while I was talking about “Magnet and Steel” by Walter Egan. “Lonely Boy” was a big hit in the ‘70’s. I remember hearing it a lot when I was a little kid and it made me really sad because I was pretty sure it was about me somehow. I really like the song but even to this day it’s hard to hear it without getting a pit in my stomach and thinking back to my early years as a socially retarded kid in Cleveland who never liked to be more than few blocks from home. Oh well, it all worked out in the end I guess. Now I am all grown up and have my own apartment in New York City and everything. I can even buy beer. How fucking sweet is that? Anyway, click on the video above to hear the song about a young Dave Hill. I apologize in advance if you end up crying all over your computer.