Posted on 23rd August 2007
If you feel like listening to me talk (and really, why wouldn’t you?), you can check out a story I did for the popular public radio program Fair Game right here. I totally went on a nude dinner cruise with these people. Good times, good times. I hope you enjoy it.
In other news, last night I went with that major pussyhound David Rakoff and a handful of other crazy motherfuckers to see “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” which is totally a play by William Shakespeare, in Central Park. It was good times all around. Like most things that have characters and a plot and stuff, I occasionally got a little confused but generally speaking it was really great, especially Martha Plimpton, who totally acted the fuck out of the part of Helena. She had on an excellent wig and everything. If you live in New York City, you should totally go see the fuck out of this play.
After seeing the popular play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” I was walking out of Central Park with my friend David when a couple ladies behind us were making some crazy noises and stuff. I was all like “Who the F are those ladies making all the crazy noises and stuff?”. Then I turned around to see that it was none other than Kathleen Turner, whom you might remember from such films as “Serial Mom” and “Body Heat,” a film in which she totally shows her juggs, which is awesome. I saw it on cable when I was a kid and I am still talking about it. Anyway, David and I were all high-fiving and shit because it was pretty sweet that we totally saw her.
In still other news, guess who is back on a colon cleanse? This guy (I am pointing to myself as I type this)! Talk about good times, this is an example of that. I am taking the above product to get the party started and, boy, let me tell you it really is starting to do a fine job. I hope I will become really healthy from this somehow. I will keep you posted in great detail in the very near future. You deserve to know. Thanks for everything.
And finally, who’s cuter? You tell me! The smart money is on the bitch in the bag but I’m no slouch either, dammit.