Posted on 17th January 2007
Attention People Of New York City:
Hi. How are you? Super, I hope. Anyway, I was just writing to totally remind you about how my incredible rock band Valley Lodge will be rocking like a four-headed motherf&%ker TOMORROW night (Thurs., Jan. 18, dammit) at the Mercury Lounge (right over there on Houston Street, near all the shops) at the rock-sanctioned time of 10:30pm. We shall arrive on horseback, brandishing torches and drinking the blood of priests as the screams of the undead echo in the distance. Actually, now that I think about it, we will probably just rent a mini-van or something. But it shall be an awesome mini-van that will haunt your dreams. Anyway, I really hope you can make it. It is good to rock and one day we will all be dead and we will not be able to rock as much anymore. And then I shall see you in Hades and you will be all like I wish I had done more rocking in life and then I will be all like Well, I totally sent you that e-mail. Then I will ride off on the horse with the blood and the torch and stuff. It is easier to get that stuff in Hades. In fact, you kind of look like an a-hole if you do not have that stuff in Hades. Anyway, we can talk more about all this tomorrow at the rock show.
Dave Hill