My Upstairs Neighbor Bought Bongos
Posted on 16th September 2006

Just when I thought my upstairs neighbor couldn’t possibly be any more annoying, he has apparently gone out and bought himself a set of bongos and has thus found yet another way to bug the shit out of me aside from watching war movies in quadrophonic sound and listening to really crappy music super loud. Of course it could be that he simply has a bongo player visiting his apartment but either way the result is the same- some jackass is playing bongos in the apartment above me and it’s driving me insane. Plus, it doesn’t matter whether you yourself play bongos or you are simply friends with some dude who plays bongos- either way it makes you an a-hole in my book unless the bongo player in question is some old Cuban guy or something. I might let it slide in that case. Otherwise though fuck it- if you play bongos in the vicinity of me I am going to stab you. Vibe out on your own time, dude. It doesn’t sound better with a little percussion. Everybody hates you.

Dave Hill

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