Posted on 22nd September 2006
Here is something I did for the popular new channel Current TV, which is on cable television and somehow Al Gore-related, which is great. You have to watch the video for a minute or so and then I come on and just totally make it happen. Actually, I haven’t watched it yet but just got e-mailed this link and figured I’d put it out there. I am sitting in a cafe type place near my house and I don’t have headphones so I haven’t had a chance to watch it properly. But I hope you enjoy it. It looks pretty good with the sound off. I’m hoping it is just as good with the sound on. Oh yeah, the story is on people who want English to be the only language in the United States. And as a bit of trivia about the piece, it was shot on the Mexican border in Palominas, Arizona. I could see actual Mexicans from where I was sitting. Also, I forgot to put sunscreen on my arms and they got burned up like a motherfucker. Dammit. Okay, so anyway, you can watch the piece here. Also, if you could subscribe to the site and whatnot and then give the video a really high rating you’d be helping me and America out immensely.