F*cking Sweet Bags
Posted on 3rd March 2006

As many of you are undoubtedly aware, I pretty much rule when it comes to fashion. And while I don’t have much use for ladies’ bags myself, I know a f*cking sweet bag when I see it. To that end, I would encourage you to check out Ryanbags, designed by my friend Ryan and manufactured by- at least to my understanding- gnomes in a factory somewhere in Hell’s Kitchen. Anyway, that’s Taea modelling one of Ryan’s bag above. See how it looks like she is totally just hanging out and having a great time talking on the phone and whatnot? Yeah- well that’s because she’s got that f*cking sweet bag sitting right next to her. Anyway, it’s not like Ryan needs the business or anything because she’s pretty much the queen of the bag industry at the moment, but you should go buy one of those f*ckers now anyway. Do it for yourself or someone you love. Manbags are coming soon and I am all over that sh*t.

Okay, that is my plug for the day. I meant to mention it sooner but I’ve just had so much other stuff to talk about, what with Don Knotts dying and it being Gavin McLeod’s birthday last week and all.

Dave Hill

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