Posted on 13th October 2005
I’ve just returned from grabbing a cup of coffee (large, milk, one sugar) from the coffee stand on the corner of my block. On my way to the coffee stand, I noticed an attractive young woman flashing her boobs at some people standing outside the hospital across the street from my apartment. She was wearing a bra (pink), but I still have to say that having a fresh cup of coffee to say and seeing an attractive young woman flash her boobs (braless or otherwise) first thing in the morning is a pretty magical way to start the day.
Things got ugly on the way back to my apartment when I discovered the attractive young boob-flashing woman still standing outside the hospital, only this time she was screaming at the top of her lungs while two hospital employees attempted to get her back inside. I’m not sure what the problem was. If they were treating her for a boob-flashing condition, then I am certain this is a world I no longer wish to live in. My sense, however, is that there was something else wrong with this woman and the boob-flashing just happens to be me one of the more pleasant side effects of her condition. Anyway, I hope things work out for her in the end. She’s already touched my life in a wonderful way and she probably doesn’t even know it.
In other news, it has been raining here in New York for the past six days and I can’t stop talking or even thinking about it. I’ve had to change my pants every time I come back to my apartment only this time it’s for a totally different reason than usual. That’s right- I’m talking about the rain. See what I mean? I just can’t stop talking about it. Even when I got my coffee from the guy at the coffee stand a few minutes ago, I couldn’t help but give him a look that said “How ’bout this rain! Can you believe it? It has been raining like this for six days! It won’t stop! I can’t stop talking or thinking about it, just as my look suggests!” As he handed me my coffee, he shot me a look back that seemed to say “Tell me about it, a-hole, tell me about it. Now please step away from my coffee cart immediately, sir. It’s time to go. You seem really nice and all, but, really, we don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.”