Posted on 17th August 2005
I realize it’s pathetic that I even know this, but apparently members of the international weightlifting community do not find me the least bit amusing at all. Up until yesterday, I pretty much lived my life figuring the international weightlifting community and I would pretty much go about our business without ever really having any effect on each other whatsoever. I mean, sure, I do work out constantly (cardio, barbells, pretty much anything they have at the gym for guys like me who are really into working out), but generally speaking, I tend to keep matters of free weights and power lifting to myself. Still, as it turns out, the international weightlifting community is totally onto me.
As maybe one or two of the people who might possibly be reading this already know, I have a website.. Since I am a sad and lonely man, I often check my “webstats” to see how many people visit my site each day. There is even a thing where you can look to see what websites people came from to get to your website, so if there is a link to my site on some other site, I can find out where it is and even go take a look at it.
The other day I saw that the message board on a site called, which turns out to be about weightlifting and he-man competitions and other awesome stuff like that, had a link to my site. I was curious to see what people on a message board like this could possibly be saying about me, so I went and had a look. As it turns out there was a whole thread talking about how not funny I am. Making matters worse, one person even said I looked like the love child of Paul McCartney and Rosie O’Donnell. Ouch. I don’t think that they were merely suggesting that I look Irish.
Anyway, I was a little hurt at first to find some random people being mean to me on the Internet, but then I figured if a bunch of weightlifters and he-man types actually felt compelled to talk shit about me on their message board, I must be doing something right. I imagine Madonna and Cher must have gone through the same thing at some point in their illustrious careers. I guess I’ll just have to get used to it. After all, nobody made me go into show business.
If you feel like checking out what members of the international weightlifting community have to say about me, go here. And if you’ve really got a lot of extra time on your hands (and clearly you do if you’ve read this far), feel free to “weigh” in on the topic yourself. Get it? “Weigh?” Ha. And those weightlifters think I’m not funny.
And in case any members of the international weightlifting community are reading this right now- it’s on, mofos.
Dave Hill