A Nice Mention of My Podcast in the New York Times Magazine
Posted on 6th February 2012

Hi. Mondays- am I right? Anyway, I just wanted to shamelessly mention that in yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, there was a great article about comedy podcasts by Paul Brownfield. At the end of it, there is a “highly subjective, by no means definitive list of five (or so) comedy podcasts worth checking out” and my Dave Hill’s Podcasting Incident is totally one of them, clocking in at #5 along with the great and ridiculously attractive Julie Klausner.  I totally took a picture of the page it was on (page 45 if you’re playing along at home) and posted it above so you know I’m not just making this stuff up. Okay, great- that about covers it for now.

Your man,
Dave Hill

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