The Dave Hill Explosion TONIGHT at UCB NY with Chris March, Claywoman, Phil, and More!
Posted on 25th March 2010

Attention People of New York City:

Hello. This is your man Dave Hill writing to remind you one last time that TONIGHT, which is to say Thursday, March 25 at 9:30pm at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre over there in Chelsea, I am once again doing the impossible (for most people except for me) in the form of my world-renowned, critically-acclaimed, and seriously great in general nightclub act the Dave Hill Explosion, the show critics are already calling “about an hour long” and “in a basement.” I can’t really go into too much more detail right now because the doctors are about to take off all the bandages now and I am pretty excited to see the new me. Anyway, I really hope you can make it tonight. My guests will be the lovely and talented Chris March from “Project Runway” and other stuff and also the mysterious and belligerent Claywoman. Plus, the bearded and creepy Phil will be there along with the non-bearded yet still creepy in his own way Carl Arnheiter. Martha Wainwright had to cancel because I didn’t like the outfit she was planning on wearing on the show. Sorry about that. Rules are rules. Anyway, you can get tickets right here please.

Dave Hill

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