Posted on 9th February 2009
Mondays- am I right or am I right? I am battling mild-to-mildly severe plague-like symptoms that I am blaming partially on my on-the-go lifestyle and partially on my penchant for licking subway poles. No, ha, ha- I don’t really like subway poles. Can you imagine? That’s crazy. Like, lock-you-up crazy (which is pretty crazy).
Anyway, this Saturday I attended New Comic Con 2009 at the Jacob Javits Center. This was my fifth Comic Con (third in NYC and I’ve been twice in San Diego), which had me attending at least four more Comic Cons than I ever thought I would attend in my lifetime. And something tells me I might not be done either. This time around, I was covering the whole thing for Cinemax, the popular premium cable television network that brings you all sorts of popular movies, some of which have naked chicks in them.
Recent studies indicate that roughly 99% of all Comic Con attendees are just a little too into it and this one was no different. But- also like all the other Comic Cons- this one was really fun (and strange and weird-smelling). I saw two 8-foot tall Chewbaccas (or “16 feet of loser” as my friend David described them, which was kinda mean but also really funny) walking around together, which was pretty impressive. I wondered how they get to do much other than walk around and freak people out, but I guess that’s pretty much the whole point. It worked. I also met Unemployed Skeletor, a personal favorite from the day.
I interviewed a bunch of folks at Comic Con, including the creator and one of the stars of the new Cinemax sci-fi/nudie series Forbidden Science, neither of whom seemed to like me all that much (That’s the chick I met above. She is naked on cable!). I also finally got to meet the great Tom Scharpling in person finally on my way to the bathroom, which was nice.
Like all the other Comic Cons, I did buy a couple little things at the end to at least have something other than that weird smell in my suit to prove that I was there. This time around I bought a little Kubrick bear and a Moofia figure. I got the little baby bottle above (NOTE: You can’t pick- it’s a surprise which one is in the little carton it comes in). I was kind of hoping to get the Leche milk carton, which has bull horns, presumably speaks Spanish, and is much cooler than the baby bottle in general (No offense, baby bottle. I like you too, but come on! A Spanish-speaking carton of milk with bull horns? That’s a game-changer).
Something I almost bought at Comic Con was the Misfits throw pillow above. I thought it was pretty adorbs. In the end, however, I decided against it because I thought it might make me seem like an aging hipster (which I guess I kinda, sorta am when it gets right down to it). Who knows- maybe I’ll break down and get it via mail order. All my other throw pillows make me just seem pretty gay (which I’m not! Let’s be clear on this!) and I don’t let that bother me. Why should I worry about having a throw pillow that makes it look like I am desperately clinging to my youth? I just think it’s a cool pillow, alright? Stop yelling at me! It’s not like I show up at your place and start judging you for all the crap you’ve got lying around!
Okay, I am done fighting with you.
In other news, last night my friend Jeff hipped me to this website that instantly baconizes whatever website you want it to. For example, here is the baconized version of this page. Pretty great, right? I know. If there is something on this earth that doesn’t go better with a little bacon, I am completely unaware of it.
Alright, I have to get back to whatever it is that I supposedly do all day.