Copies of My Damn Book, Tasteful Nudes, Personally Signed from Me to You, Now Available in the Online Store. Yeah! Right?
Posted on 22nd October 2013

Hi. It’s Dave. Let me start by saying I feel shameless telling you this, but I am now selling hardcover copies of my book Tasteful Nudes that I will personally sign from me to you, including a long, detailed note outlining our sordid past, undying admiration, and a lot of other stuff I will become convinced of as the permanent marker fumes begin to work their magic. As if all of that is not enough, I will then take this personally signed hardcover copy of my book and mail it myself at the post office near my house. I know- just let that sink in for a second. Of course, normally when someone buys something from my online store, it is pulled from the shelves in some vast warehouse thousands of miles away from my home, stuffed into a mailer by someone I’ll never meet, and shipped off to you by some goddamn machine! But these books- what with me having to sign them all- will each be handled by me, regardless of what I was doing immediately beforehand. In short, this is a rare treat that I’m sure your immune system can handle just fine. You can get your book here. Go on now- do it!

Dave Hill

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